Where the
world learns.
We build prepared students, confident leaders, and successful citizens for a better tomorrow.
We started from an ambitious dream to change what we felt were education's largest problems.
Today, we take our expertise, experience, and research to bring a difference to the world.
Confident Leaders
Successful Citizens
Class Hours
Team Members
Our journey for a better future continues forward.
H2 2023
We expand our educational portfolio to over ten concrete programs given across nine countries worldwide.
태코 교육 프로그램 포트폴리오 확장 (10개 이상의 코어 프로그램)을 통해 전세계 9개국에 우리 서비스 제공
H1 2022
We launch TECO Singapore to support our global growth, reaffirming our commitment to bring positive change to the world.
우리의 두번째 글로벌 오피스, 태코 싱가포르 지부를 설립하여 세계에 긍정적인 변화를 가져오겠다는 의지를 재확인
Q4 2021
Our Speak Korean App with our world-class speech recognition software on board is released worldwide.
세계 최고 수준의 음성 인식 소프트웨어가 탑재된 태코 한국어 어플리케이션, 전 세계 출시
Q3 2021
We launch TECO Labs, an accelerator program where we help jumpstart and finance our team's various startup ideas.
태코의 다양한 창업 아이디어에 대한 투자/재원을 조달할 수 있도록 하는 첫번째 엑셀러레이팅 자회사, 태코 랩스 설립
Q2 2021
We finish development of our precise Korean Speech Recognition AI that can identify down to the "final syllable."
까다로운 받침 하나하나까지도 알아낼 수 있는 정밀한 한국어 음성 인식 교육 AI 기술 자체 개발
Q1 2021
TECO grows to over 40 members and reaches its BEP point, demonstrating sustainable growth.
팀원 40+ 돌파, 손익분기점을 넘어 교육 혁신과 지속 가능한 성장이 가능함을 입증
Q4 2020
Our very first program "Study Strategies" reaches 300 students in its first month despite the pandemic.
태코의 첫 프로그램, '공부 전략' 한 달 만에 300명의 학생 유치
Q3 2020
TECO undergoes legal incorporation in the Republic of Korea and starts small with four initial members.
4명의 초기 팀원과 함께 태코 한국 지부를 서울시 성동구에 설립
H1 2020
TECO signs its first educational curriculum MOU with Chadwick International of Korea.
대한민국 명문 국제학교, 송도 채드윅과 프로그램 개발 및 교육 연구에 관련한 양해각서 작성
H2 2019
The idea for TECO (The Education COmpany) is born. Will it work? Survive? We'll see!
태코 (TECO: The Education COmpany)에 대한 아이디어 구상과 태코 사업 준비단 발족
H1 2019
Education is due for a foundational overhaul. Someone will have to lead it. Will it be us?
빠르게 변화하는 시대, 교육에서의 혁신을 절실히 느끼다
What we do
We build prepared students, confident leaders, and successful citizens.
A team of educators, software developers, designers, financial advisors, and economists united under our mission to build prepared students, confident leaders, and successful citizens.
Driving positive change in education for students, parents, teachers, schools, and communities with our innovative curriculums and research-backed programs.
Our specialized wing that focuses on educational research and technological applications such as AI and machine learning to support our curriculums and startup ventures.
Accelerating and funding our team's best startup ideas by providing initial capital, logistical infrastructure, and mentoring to continue investing in a better future.
Learning can
be difficult,
but not with us.
Our innovative curriculums and technology expertise combine to provide an education like no other.
We combine years of research, in-house curricular development, and our world class instructor team to bring a new standard of education to the world.
Improving can
be difficult,
but not with us.
We utilize technology to enhance all that we do.
Over the years, we've created Korean recognition artificial intelligence for effective language acquisition and developed math lessons that use 3D printing for to visualize complex formulas, among others.
Prioritizing can
be difficult,
but not with us.
We use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify students' study habits and map learning styles to identify what's best for you.
Our proprietary algorithm then matches students with the best teacher suited to individual learning styles to bring out the best results.
Beginning can
be difficult,
but not with us.
We're a startup, and we remember how hard it was to get off our feet. That's why we launched TECO Labs, a startup accelerator to bring our team's ideas to life.
TECO Labs provides our team members the financial resources and operational assistance to jump start their startup ideas.